Charity, Art and Twitter

When I was young, naive and idealistic I had this dream. When I got rich and/or famous I would setup a foundation to teach art to disadvantaged kids back home.
Well I’m older now. A bit less naive and idealistic. Not a lot richer. That and other dreams have been shelved or forgotten. However this week Lori McNee’s post about the twitter art exhibit reminded of this particular dream of my youth.
The Twitter Art Exhibit
“…utilizes social media and public engagement to generate income for charities and nonprofit organizations.”
This years charity is Art Division of Los Angeles, a nonprofit organization dedicated to training and supporting underserved youth. See where I’m going with this? Artists from around the world submit postcard-sized, handmade original artwork which is then sold, income going to Art Division.
So in honor of my youthful ideals I’ve decided to participate in this years exhibit. My biggest obstacle will be procrastination. Drop by my Google hangout tonight (All invited: Thursday Nov. 1 2012 @9:00 est ) when I’ll be working on my submission and looking for a diversion.
For further information visit the #twitterartexhibit.