Daily Scribble Sept. 27 – Oct. 1

Here are the results of my third week of figure drawing practice. I read once that to form a habit you had to practice the activity for thirty days straight. I wonder if missing drawing on Monday and Friday counts against my thirty days?
Figure Sketch Sept. 28, 2010
Source for this drawing is Posmanics.
Paper: acid free 82 GSM
Media: BIC ReAction Gel 0.7 pen
Size: 229mm x 305mm
I spent so much time worrying about the height of the figure in this sketch I used up my budgeted 5 minutes of drawing time. You can see the vertical tick marks that I was using to keep the figure in proportion. The distance between each tick is the same as the length of the figure’s head.
Figure Sketch Sept. 29, 2010
Source for this drawing is Posmanics.
Paper: standard bond
Media: cheap pen
Size: 5.5″x8.5″
After my failure from the previous day I jumped into this sketch without fussing over measuring the source figure. I was pleased with myself and the outcome. It’s a passable little sketch and I can’t see any problems until I compare it next to the original.
Figure Sketch Sept. 30, 2010
Source for this drawing is once again Posmanics.
Paper: standard bond
Media: cheap pen
Size: 5.5″x8.5″
Still flush and pleased with my success from the previus day, I jumped into sketching again without continuously measuring my sketch against the source figure. The results were not pretty. Lesson learned; I’m not ready to “wing it” quite yet. More practice required.