sketch | darren brant - Part 25

Daily Scribble Oct. 4 – 8

Here are the results of my forth week of figure drawing practice. When I started my lunch sketching project its purpose was to help accomplish one of my goals for this year; focus on Figure drawing proportion.

The problem is that when I set that particular artistic goal I didn’t think too long upon it. It’s a crappy goal. Conventional Internet Wisdom (TM) and an authority no less than Wikipedia tells me so.

I’m told that goals should be SMART:

  • S = Specific
  • M = Measurable
  • A = Attainable
  • R = Realistic
  • T = Timely

I’m pretty sure my vaguely worded goal only satisfies Timely, as I had given myself a one year time period. More thought required.

Here then are the meager results of this week’s lunchtime sketch. It was a bad week and the drawings reflect that.

Figure Sketch Oct. 7, 2010

Source for this drawing is Posemaniacs

Paper: standard bond

Media: BIC ReAction Gel 0.7 pen

Size: 229mm x 305mm

I had to cut this one short – probably about a 2 or 3 minute sketch.

Figure Sketch Oct. 8, 2010

Source for this drawing is Posemaniacs

Paper: standard bond

Media: BIC ReAction Gel 0.7 pen

Size: 229mm x 305mm